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How can you insert one row in the target if that row does not exists in the target and update if it exists?

+1 vote
How can you insert one row in the target if that row does not exists in the target and update if it exists?
posted Oct 14, 2015 by Sachin

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1 Answer

0 votes

Use the session properties, In Target Properties use options Insert update else Insert Check boxes.

answer Oct 14, 2015 by Manikandan J
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i have taken target table as my lookup table using static source i have duplicate values.

in mapping i ahve used update strategy transformation but not i m not able update data in target table

Example:Initially(i mean after session Load)

source table Lookup table Target table

ID    Name           ID    Name            ID    Name    
1     A              1     A               1     A 
2     B                                    2     B

Now im inserting two more records

3      C
1      E

but its not updating below record

1    E

i am getting below error

One or more values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE statement, or foreign key update caused by a DELETE statement are not valid because the primary key, unique constraint or unique index identified by "1" constrains table "TABLE_NAME" from having duplicate values for the index key.

I know if i use dynamic lookup it will work correctly but in static. please give the reason ASAP.
