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How can I query parent to child with two child values and no other child values?

+2 votes

I have one parent "quote__c" and child object "Quote_line_item__c" .I want get the parent id with query some thing like this

select id,(select name from quote_line_item__c where name='123' and name='456') from quote__c
posted Mar 13, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey

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1 Answer

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Do you have a rollup summary field that holds count of line items? If you do - this might be one way to do it:

SELECT Id FROM Quote__c WHERE Id IN (SELECT Quote__c FROM Quote_Line_Item__c WHERE Name = '123') AND Id IN (SELECT Quote__c FROM Quote_Line_Item__c WHERE Name = '456') AND Lines_count__c = 2

answer Mar 14, 2016 by Manikandan J
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