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Small Overview about ECharts?

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What is ECharts?

ECharts is a state machine-based programming language for event-driven systems derived from the standardized UML Statecharts language.ECharts is a hosted language which means that it is dependent on an underlying programming language such as Java.

ECharts is an awesome tool for manipulating data once it’s charted because it has one unique feature: Drag-Recalculate allows users to drag and drop sections of data from one chart to another and have the charts recalculate in real-time.

ECharts is a most impressive tool for data visualization: it's fully open-source, it's sophisticated-yet-flexible, and it keeps abreast of the era of 'big data'!

ECharts is open, simple and elegant. 1.0 was great, and 2.0 was leapfrogged in just a year with something even more amazing.

ECharts represents a new generation of visualization tools for big data. 

ECharts is a comprehensive charting library offering a painless way of adding interactive charts to your commercial products. On the foundation of ZRender-based (a whole new lightweight canvas library) coordinate system, legend, tooltip, toolbox and other basic components, ECharts currently supports line, column, scatter, pie, radar, candlestick, chord, gauge, funnel, map and force-directed chart types, many of these can be combined in one chart.

Video for ECharts



posted Jun 6, 2017 by Manish Tiwari

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npm install koa

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