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Introduction to MySQL

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Introduction to MySQL as an Open Source Database

A database is a systematic collection of data . A Database Management System (DBMS) is required to store, access, delete, or otherwise organize data in a database.

MySQL is an open source DBMS. You can freely download, modify, and use open source software without having to pay any fees or royalty to the original author.


Overview of MySQL

Consider a library which lends books to its members. Traditionally, the details of books, members, and lending are maintained manually using ledgers. As the number of books increases, managing and searching for books, members, and lending details becomes difficult. This information can be stored in rows and columns in table. A database can be created to store these tables. In addition, a DBMS can be used to manage the databases.

A DBMS can be defined as a software program that stores and manages databases. A database is a system used to store the data in a structured format. In other words, database can be defined as an organized collection of data. DBMS is responsible for managing the various database operations such as adding, accessing, and processing of data. A DBMS helps you to manage in two ways:

  • It provides an interface to manage data
  • It supports connectivity to other applications that can be used to manage data.

Both, DBMS and RDBMS, perform the same task of storing and managing data. One of the key differences between DBMS and RDBMS is that RDBMS splits large amount of data into smaller tables and establishes relationship between the tables. DBMS store large amount of data in a single table. Also, the RDBMS is based on a relational model whereas DBMS is not.

Features of MySQL

MySQL was designed to achieve speed, robustness, and ease of use. The features of MySQL are as follows:

Technical Features:

  • Is written in C and C++
  • Is tested with different compilers
  • Is compatible with multiple operating systems
  • Has support for multiple storage engines; both transactional and non-transactional
  • Has Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for accessing MySQL databases available in many languages, including C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl
  • In using multiple kernel threads or processing units, if available, for data processing


  • Has support for in-built data encryption and decryption
  • Has support for user account privileges
  • Has support for password encryption


  • Supports connectivity on any platform to MySQL server using Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) sockets
  • Supports connectivity on windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista using named pipes or shared-memory connections
  • Supports connectivity on UNIX systems using UNIX domain socket files
posted Nov 7, 2017 by Jasmine P

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Advantages of MySQL Over Other RDBMS

There are many commercial Database Management System such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase available in the market. These Database Management Systems are robust, reliable, and support most of the features that a user wants. However, it is impossible for these databases to complete with MySQL with regards to price, as MySQL is available for free. In addition, for commercial Database Management System, the initial setup cost is more expensive, resource intensive, and timing consuming, whereas with MySQL, this is not the case. This is one of the key advantages of MySQL.


Also, as the source for MySQL is fully available, you can customize MySQL as require. There are many troubleshooting techniques, command help, and syntax help that are available. This information is available in blogs, forums, and lists that do not require paid subscriptions. However, thoubleshooting techniques, command help, and syntax help for commercial databases may require a paid subscription.

Typically, open source software tends to be updated more frequently than commercial software because many users contribute to its development. As a result, new features are available more often than for commercial databases.

MySQL provides different versions that work on different versions of Linux, UNIX, Microsoft, Windows, and other operating systems. MySQL also supports various built-in and third-party GUI tools for faster and easier design implementation and administration.

Following are the other advantages that MySQL offers over other RDBMS:

  • Reliable: Supports tables that can store and handle large number of records.
  • Ease of Use: Provides a modular and flexible architecture that makes it easy to manage and customize.
  • Cross Platform Support: Supports different operating systems, such as Linux, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows.
  • Views: Supports views where data is copied into temporary or virtual tables during processing. This feature ensures data security.
  • Stored Procedures: Supports stored procedures and functions. This allows you to implement business logic at the database level.
  • Triggers: Supports triggers. This feature also enable you to implement business logic during data processing.

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