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What is Supervised and UnSupervised learning in Machine Learning ?

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What is Supervised and UnSupervised learning in Machine Learning ?
posted Jan 9, 2018 by Chahat Sharma

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Supervised Learning?
Supervised learning is the Data mining task of inferring a function from labeled training data.The training data consist of a set of training examples. In supervised learning, each example is a pair consisting of an input object (typically a vector) and a desired output value (also called thesupervisory signal). A supervised learning algorithm analyzes the training data and produces an inferred function, which can be used for mapping new examples.

UnSupervised Learning
In Data mining, the problem of unsupervised learning is that of trying to find hidden structure in unlabeled data. Since the examples given to the learner are unlabeled, there is no error or reward signal to evaluate a potential solution.

answer Apr 30, 2018 by Kuldeep Apte