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Discussion About Apache ZooKeeper ?

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What is ZooKeeper ?

Apache ZooKeeper is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source server which enables highly reliable distributed coordination.

ZooKeeper™ is an open source Apache project that provides centralized infrastructure and services that enable synchronization across an Apache™ Hadoop® cluster.

ZooKeeper maintains common objects needed in large cluster environments. Examples of these objects include configuration information, hierarchical naming space, and so on. Applications leverage these services to coordinate distributed processing across large clusters. 

For applications, ZooKeeper provides an infrastructure for cross-node synchronization. It does this by maintaining status type information in memory on ZooKeeper servers. A ZooKeeper server keeps a copy of the state of the entire system and persists this information in local log files. Large Hadoop clusters supported by multiple ZooKeeper servers (a master server synchronizes the top-level servers). 

Within ZooKeeper, an application can create what is called a znode (a file that persists in memory on the ZooKeeper servers). The znode can be updated by any node in the cluster, and any node in the cluster can register to be informed of changes to that znode (in ZooKeeper parlance, a server can be set up to “watch” a specific znode). 

Using this znode infrastructure (and there is much more to this such that we can’t even begin to do it justice in this section), applications can synchronize their tasks across the distributed cluster by updating their status in a ZooKeeper znode, which would then inform the rest of the cluster of a specific node’s status change. This cluster-wide status centralization service is essential for management and serialization tasks across a large distributed set of servers.

Video for ZooKeeper 

posted Jan 30, 2018 by anonymous

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#set ($message = "Query Home")
#set ($ = "Sandeep Bedi")​

Video for Apache Velocity​
