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How can I send half pf the records to one target and remaining to other target?

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How can I send half pf the records to one target and remaining to other target?
posted Oct 30, 2015 by Amit Sharma

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1 Answer

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inthis flow take two sequence generaters and connect to
s0rter t/f like this

nextvalue descending order enable
nextvalue1 asending order enable

for example if 6 records contain
the sort result would be

nextvalue nextvalue1
6 1
5 2
4 3
3 4
2 5
1 6

sorter contain these ports and remaing ports next pass these
ports to ruter t/f

nextvalue > nextvalue1 1st condition ---it give 1st 3rows
nextvalue < nextvalue1 2nd cond ---- it gives last 3 rows

answer Oct 30, 2015 by Manikandan J