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OpenStack: Difference between "nova hypervisor-list" and "nova service-list" commands ?

+3 votes
OpenStack: Difference between "nova hypervisor-list" and "nova service-list" commands ?
posted Oct 29, 2017 by Vimal Kumar Mishra

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Vimal,
Though I am new to OpenStack but I would like to share my understanding.
Command "nova hypervisor-list" gives the list of compute nodes on which compute instances (VMs) can be instantiated.
While the command "nova service-list" gives the list of nova services which are running in controller node. This also includes nova-compute services running in each host.
I am not fully confident on my question, please correct me if something is wrong.

answer Oct 30, 2017 by Harshita
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