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Removing a GIT repository

0 votes

I made some mistakes in the way I set up my initial repository, and Id like to start from scratch. How can I completely remove a repository so I can start over? I am running git from the command line on Linux Ubuntu. Can I simply send the .git directory to the trash and empty the trash?

posted Dec 5, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Yep, that would be sufficient.

I usually go rm -rvf .git. (The -f is required since by default all the Git objects are readonly.)

If you want to make sure it is erased completely and cannot be recovered use shred or srm. The usual methods like rm or emptying the trash just remove the *addresses* of the files and folders. They don't actually destroy the file contents.

answer Dec 5, 2017 by Honey
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