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Destination-Host AVP with DRA in between

0 votes

In case there is a DRA between PGW and PCRF, then what should ideally be sent in the Destination-Host AVP in the CCR-Initial messsage?Do we send the Destination-Host name for the final destination of the PCRF or is it the next hop peer ; which is the DRA in this case?

posted Apr 15, 2018 by Aahan Mozumdar

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2 Answers

+1 vote

DRA act like a relay or rather we can say kind of load balancer, in your case PCRF is the destination so DRA will route the packets from PGW to PCRF.


answer Apr 16, 2018 by anonymous
0 votes

When DRA sits between sender and receiver Diameter nodes, its job is to route the Diameter message to right destination. It does not change the destination host and realm of the original request message however it changes hop-by-hop ID and adds route-record avps for all the requests it forwards.

answer Apr 16, 2018 by Harshita
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+2 votes

3GPP TS 29.272 says in section 7.1.6/ Routing considerations the following sentence:
If an MME or SGSN knows the address/name of the HSS for a certain user, and the associated home network domain name, both the Destination-Realm and Destination-Host AVPs shall be present in the request......

In Diameter Base Protocol RFC 6733 you can read the following :
6.1.4. Processing Local Requests
A request is known to be for local consumption when one of the following conditions occurs:
o The Destination-Host AVP contains the local host’s identity;
o The Destination-Host AVP is not present, the Destination-Realm AVP contains a realm the server is configured to process locally, and the Diameter application is locally supported; or
o Both the Destination-Host and the Destination-Realm are not present.

Following erroneous Scenario:
1) The MME sends a Request to the Destination Host e.g. via the DRA. The Request contains Destination-Host and Destination-Realm…
2) But what happens when this is unavailable (out of order)? Would the DRA send/forward the Request from MME to a second HSS (front end)?, e.g.
3) Would the 2nd HSS Frontend “” complain that the Destination Host does not match as DRA sent to 2nd HSS frontend the Request with Destination-Host =
-->should the DRA be smarter when the 1st HSS Frontend is unavailable ? my question is what can DRA do in such case when the original destination is out of order?

This error is given when Diameter cannot deliver the message to the destination, either because no host within the realm supporting the required application was available to process the request or because the Destination-Host AVP was given without the associated Destination-Realm AVP.

+1 vote

Can someone please explain why few "request" message contains Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs and few of them not ?

+1 vote

I was going through rfc3588 and could not understand when a Diameter Server/Agent adds Error-Reporting -Host AVP within the answer message.

+5 votes

I gone through the RFC4006 but didnt get the context of below paragraph

   Certain applications require multiple credit-control sub-sessions.
   These applications would send messages with a constant Session-Id
   AVP, but with a different CC-Sub-Session-Id AVP.  If several credit
   sub-sessions will be used, all sub-sessions MUST be closed separately
   before the main session is closed so that units per sub-session may
   be reported.  The absence of this AVP implies that no sub-sessions
   are in use.

But here my question is
1. What could be the types of Multiple credit-ontrol Sub-session?
2. How can we include different cc-sub-session-ID for each sub-session, please give me an example with message structure using CCR message.
