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LTE: What is the significance of different RoHC modes such as U-Mode O-Mode and R-Mode ?

+4 votes
LTE: What is the significance of different RoHC modes such as U-Mode O-Mode and R-Mode ?
posted Jul 27, 2018 by Harshita

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1 Answer

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ROHC having three modes which is based on availability of feedback channel, error probabilities and header size variation.
U-Mode- Packets are only sent in one direction: from compressor to decompressor, this is suitable where return path is not available.
O-mode/Bi-directional Optimistic- There is feedback channel is used to send error recovery NACK & ACK.
R-Mode/Bidirectional Reliable- In this, feedback channel is used frequently to avoid packet loss due to context invalidation.The periodic context updating packets reduce compression efficiency compared to O-mode.
The ROHC compressor starts in U- mode & depends on availability of the feedback channel, error on link the modes changes also its a system implementation specific.

answer Jul 30, 2018 by Mohit Mohan
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