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Applying patch to Drupal module, using GIT

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I'm new to using Git and I'm a little confused. I'm trying to patch a module and I've gone to terminal and gone to the folder I need to patch via FTP.

I've been following this tutorial

but whenever I add the apply git command I get 'invalid command'. Does Git only apply patches locally? What am I dong wrong?

posted Jun 24, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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1) Do I understand correctly, that you're using some FTP client and "gone to the folder" in this context means you used that FTP client to navigate to the remote directory containing the file to patch?

2) Please try to explain this in plain English: it's not really appropriate to ask people to spend their time watching random videos to help you solve your problem.

3) What's the precise command you're trying to run and what's the precise error message it generates? Please do plain copying and pasting.

Your question contains too little information to try to answer.

Running git foo tells me
git: 'foo' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Neither bash nor zsh do not use the wording "invalid command", and nether does Windows shell (cmd.exe) so I'm not sure what happens as you told us precisely zero information about your setup (note that the fact you're dealing with Drupal is most probably irrelevant to the problem in hand, and information about your system *is* relevant).

answer Jun 24, 2013 by anonymous
My bad sorry for posting a 10mins+ video. Anywho yes I'm trying to update a module folder remotely. Basically I was following a vid tutorial which eventually executed 'git apply example.patch' but I just get 'invalid command'. Is this because you can only patch Drupal modules locally?
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