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What if during the Incoming Call Screening the originating UE identity is hidden?

+1 vote

i.e the from header portrays anonymity.
From: Anonymous <sip:anonymous@invalid>;tag=5343413

Suppose say, Ram is calling to Sham and Sham has added Ram into his screening list. Now, if Ram chooses to hide is identity and try to call Sham, would Ram be successful in his attempt?

posted Jun 10, 2014 by Kapil Kapoor

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1 Answer

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Yes, Ram will be able to reach Sham if Ram requests privacy by either dialing with a pre-fix (e.g. *67) or permanent settings in it's TAS or HLR profile. In this case OIR (or CLIR in GSM) is applied by following headers in SIP Invite:

  1. From header is anonymized
  2. Privacy header is added
  3. PAI header is removed

As a result the terminating side (Sham) will receive such a call without originating info.

answer Jun 11, 2014 by Deepak Chitragar
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