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How array_merge and array_combine differs from each other?

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How array_merge and array_combine differs from each other?

posted Jul 2, 2014 by Karamjeet Singh

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1 Answer

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Array_merge merges the elements of one or more than one array such that the value of one array appended at the end of first array. If the arrays have same strings key then the later value overrides the previous value for that key .

<?php $array1 = array("course1" => "dotnet","course2" => "sql"); $array2 = array(("course1" => "php","course3" => "html"); $result = array_merge($array1, $array2); print_r($result); ?>
[course1] => php
[course2] => sql
[course3] => html

Array_combine creates a new array by using the key of one array as keys and using the value of other array as values.
<?php $array1 = array("course1","course2"); $array2 = array(("php","dotnet"); $new_array = array_combine($array1, $array2); print_r($new_array); ?>
[course1] => php
[course2] => dotnet

answer Jul 4, 2014 by Rahul Mahajan