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What is Smart Table in Angular.js?

+3 votes

What is Smart Table? 

Smart table is an Angularjs module to easily display data in a table with a set of built in features such filtering,sorting, etc in a declarative way. While developing this module I made sure to focus on these particular points.

Its features are

Lightweight: smart-table is less than 4kb minified and has no dependencies other than Angular itself. And you can even reduce its size with a custom build if you are not interested in some of the plugins.
Robust: smart-table is widely tested which makes the module really stable
Modular and extensible: The core features can be accessed with the controller
API which is created by the top level directive. Then
a set of directives (plugins) allow you to compose you table behavior in a declarative way.
Developer friendly: the design of the module has been thought carefully and it is really
easy to get into the source code to modify/customise the module to best fit your needs.

For using Smart Table We need to add module in Angular Js like below


st-table is the directive which tells the table is for smart table.

For Example

 <table st-table="" >

For more reference refer this below link 

posted Dec 3, 2015 by Parampreet Kaur

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