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LTE: S1AP where can I find the EP CODEs numbering per each procedure

+1 vote

In S1AP standard by 3GPP, there are Elementary Procedures defined by EP CODE. The EP CODEs numbering is not defined in the standard.

Any idea where can I find the EP CODEs numbering per each procedure?

posted Jan 6, 2016 by Dannyispark

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Lets understand via example
ERAB Release
Messages: ERAB Release Command and ERAB Release Response

Now the message type is there for ERAB Release Command and ERAB Release Response.
Now message type contains procedure code and and type of message (initiating, successful/unsuccessful etc)

Procedure code for ERAB-Release
id-E-RabRelease : 7 (refer page 221 136.413 ver 10)

Hope it would be clear now...

answer Jan 6, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
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