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How to disable IPv6 configuration properly on Fedora Linux?

0 votes

For some reason I have to temporarily deactivate IPv6 interface configuration on a F22 server box.

According to documentation (or at least as I understood) it could be done either by adding

to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0


to /etc/sysconfig/network

I tried both, executed "nmcli c reload", "systemctl restart NetworkManager", even rebooted the system. No change in network configuration. In ifconfig I have a local link address as well as a global address as advertised by the router and autoconfig based on mac address.

All those options are documented in usr/share/doc/initscripts/sysconfig.txt, so I guess these are still valid options.

Now I am wondering what I may have overlooked or missed?

Any hint appreciated.

posted Mar 1, 2016 by anonymous

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