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Can someone explain the java toString function with a example?

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Can someone explain the java toString function with a example?
posted Mar 11, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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This method is used to get a String object representing the value of the Number Object.

If the method takes a primitive data type as an argument, then the String object representing the primitive data type value is returned.

If the method takes two arguments, then a String representation of the first argument in the radix specified by the second argument will be returned.

All the variant of this method are given below:

String toString()
static String toString(int i)

i -- An int for which string representation would be returned.

Return Value:
toString(): This returns a String object representing the value of this Integer.
toString(int i): This returns a String object representing the specified integer.


public class Test{     
   public static void main(String args[]){
      Integer x = 5;

answer Mar 11, 2016 by Ashish Kumar Khanna