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Is there a way for gcov to provide coverage analysis of a shared library without executable

+1 vote

Is there a way for gcov to provide coverage analysis of a shared library without building the main() program that uses the shared library?

I have external users of the library that have their own executable programs that use the library and I need to test code coverage with those programs but I do not have access to their source code.

posted Sep 3, 2013 by Ahmed Patel

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Do you mean, you have a .so shared library and you don't have an executable using the same library right? if yes then answer is no. I mean you should have an executable using the library and set of test cases or you need to run the executable to find the coverage.

And i guess the shared library has to be compiled with gcov library support.

answer Sep 10, 2013 by Nagaraja Sadar
Thanks Nagaraja, I got the answer have to have executable for this purpose. Thanks for showing the interest in my problem.
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