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Java: Can a Thread call a non-synchronized instance method of an object when a synchronized method is being executed?

+1 vote
Java: Can a Thread call a non-synchronized instance method of an object when a synchronized method is being executed?
posted Sep 4, 2013 by Vinay Shukla

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1 Answer

+3 votes

Yes,a non synchronized method can always be called without any problem.In fact java does not do any check for a non-synchronized method.The Lock object check is performed only for synchronized methods.In case the method is not declared synchronized java will call even if you are playing with shared data.So you have to be careful while doing such thing.The decision of declaring a method as synchronized has to be based on critical section access.If your method does not access a critical section it need not to be declared synchronized.

answer Sep 4, 2013 by Arvind Singh
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