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Write a C function that takes two strings and returns true if one string is the substring of other?

0 votes
Write a C function that takes two strings and returns true if one string is the substring of other?
posted Aug 23, 2016 by Mohammed Hussain

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Basically you need a strstr function of C...

If string contains substring, the return value is the location of the first matching instance of substring in string. If string doesn't contain substring, the return value is 0. Matching is done on an exact character-for-character basis with no wildcards or special characters., if found then returns the starting position of the substring within the string.

Here is the sample implemetation -

char *
strstr(string, substring)
    register char *string;  /* String to search. */
    char *substring;        /* Substring to try to find in string. */
    register char *a, *b;

    /* First scan quickly through the two strings looking for a
     * single-character match.  When it's found, then compare the
     * rest of the substring.

    b = substring;
    if (*b == 0) {
    return string;
    for ( ; *string != 0; string += 1) {
    if (*string != *b) {
    a = string;
    while (1) {
        if (*b == 0) {
        return string;
        if (*a++ != *b++) {
    b = substring;
    return (char *) 0;
answer Aug 24, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
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The input strings will contain only numeric digits
The input strings can be of any large lengths
The lengths of the two input string need not be the same
The input strings will represent only positive numbers

If input strings are “1234” and “56”, the output string should be “1290”
If input strings are “56” and “1234”, the output string should be “1290”
If input strings are “123456732128989543219” and “987612673489652”, the output string should be “123457719741663032871”
