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what is sparse matrices, can someone share the C/Java code for creation of sparse matrix?

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what is sparse matrices, can someone share the C/Java code for creation of sparse matrix?
posted Sep 19, 2016 by anonymous

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A(n,m) = 
1 2 3         
4 5 6                            
7 8 9


B(p, q) = 
1 1
1 1

What is best method to find min of square of difference of sub-matrices of A and B e.g.

sub-matrices of A =

1 2    |     2 3   |    4 5    |   5 6
3 4    |     5 6   |    7 8    |   8 9

Difference of first sub-matrix of A with B =

(1-1)  (2-1)    = |     0 1
(3-1)  (4-1)      |     2 3

sum of square of elements = 0*0 + 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 = 14

similar steps for other sub-matrices of A

Please suggest looking for an alternate method or algorithm which has time complexity less than O(n*m*p*q)

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Say we have two matrix of m*n and n*t.
Any sample code in C/C++ along with the algorithm would be helpful.
