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How to use autocomplete for uri in android?

+1 vote

I'm using uri to read the contacts that are stored in mobile. Now I want display those names in autocomplete. Please explain me how to add uri in AutoCompleteTextView?

posted Nov 21, 2016 by Bhagyashree R

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Would you like to explain more about the problem.
I'm using ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI to get the contacts of the mobile. And I want to use those contacts in AutoCompleteTextView.

To use autocomplete, first I need to store the content to be displayed with this option in an array of string and then I need to use it in arrayadapter.I'm not getting how to store those read contacts in arrayadapter.
I'm not getting how to store the read contacts in array adapter

1 Answer

+1 vote

AutoCompleteTextView is used exactly the same way as an EditText in your layouts (as it’s a subclass of EditText). You just need to replace your EditText by an AutoCompleteTextView and this part is done.To better understand check this useful link.

I hope it will help you.


answer Nov 22, 2016 by anonymous
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