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If One PS call is already established in LTE network and same UE are making a cs call , what happened ?

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If One PS call is already established in LTE network and same UE are making a cs call , what happened ? PS call will drop or paused? if CSFB enabled in Network.

posted Jul 27, 2017 by Shyam Singh Pal

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3 Answers

+3 votes
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Hi Shyam,

As per my knowledge UE cannot make two call at a time , UE will not allow to make an call at this scenario. If it is an test UE then upto network implementation whether to drop or continue both the call.

answer Jul 27, 2017 by Jaganathan
0 votes

Csfb with psho can be performed for the ue. If it is successful then both call can run together.

answer Jul 27, 2017 by Veer Pal Singh Yadav
0 votes

Yes, what shyam above said is correct.

answer Aug 12, 2017 by Santhosh