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Write a method to calculate total Weight of a hill pattern in Java?

0 votes

the total levels in a hill pattern (input1),
the weight of the head level (input2), and
the weight increments of each subsequent level (input3),
you are expected to find the total weight of the hill pattern.

"Total levels" represents the number of rows in the pattern.
"Head level" represents the first row.
Weight of a level represents the value of each star (asterisk) in that row.

The hill patterns will always be of the below format, starting with 1 star at head level and increasing 1 star at each level till level N.


. . .and so on till level N

Example1 -
the total levels in the hill pattern = 5 (i.e. with 5 rows)
the weight of the head level (first row) = 10
the weight increments of each subsequent level = 2
Then, The total weight of the hill pattern will be calculated as = 10 + (12+12) + (14+14+14) + (16+16+16+16) + (18+18+18+18+18) = 10 + 24 + 42 + 64 + 90 = 230

Example2 -
the total levels in the hill pattern = 4
the weight of the head level = 1
the weight increments of each subsequent level = 5
Then, Total weight of the hill pattern will be = 1 + (6+6) + (11+11+11) + (16+16+16+16) = 1 + 12 + 33 + 64 = 110

posted Dec 10, 2017 by Arindam Nath

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
public int totalHillPatern(int input1, int input2, int input3){
int row=1,num=input2,sum=0,i;
 while(input1-- >0){
  while(i++ < row){
 return sum;
answer Dec 10, 2017 by Atindra Kumar Nath
public int totalHillWeight(int input1,int input2,int input3){
        int row=1,num=input2,sum=0,i;
    while(input1-- >0){
        while(i++ < row){
        return sum;
what is the solution for 10+(12+10+12)+(14+12+14+12+14)+(16+14+16+14+16+14+16)+(18+16+18+16+18+16+18+16+18)=370
Please ask a fresh question, in place of comment?
why you have written input-->0?
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  • The input strings will contain only numeric digits
  • The input strings can be of any large lengths
  • The lengths of the two input string need not be the same
  • The input strings will represent only positive numbers


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If input strings are “56” and “1234”, the output string should be “1290”
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