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Where is the cylinder's main point

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Where is the cylinder's main point
posted Mar 14, 2018 by Naveed Virk

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I have plugged a digital camera into my usb port and mounted it using the popup displayed from the auto detect via konqueror (this annoys me as well). When konqueror is launched it displays the contents via Camera:/ which is okay, but subsequently I can't find any entries under /run that represent the camera. I assumed there would be a mount point under /run like there is for a usb flash disk.

Given that there appears to not be a mount point under /run, where is it mounted in Fedora 20, so that I can point dolphin (which is what should be launched from the 'Open with File Manager' prompt, not Konqueror) at the mount point rather than having to manually type Camera:/ into the address bar.
