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When file.i extension required ?

+3 votes

I read some where that .i extension "C source code should not be pre processed". When it is required and what is the advantage of it.

posted Oct 14, 2013 by Vikram Singh

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Here macro(VIKAS) is expanded

$ cat abc.c
    #define VIKAS printf("\n VIKAS \n");
    int main()
            return 0;

$ gcc -E abc.c

# 1 "abc.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command line>"
# 1 "abc.c"

int main()
 printf("\n VIKAS \n");
        return 0;

If you want to see the expanded macro and content included using #include.
Then you can generate abc.i.
using this command
gcc -E abc.c

Note : I did not include any header file in abc.i

answer Oct 14, 2013 by Vikas Upadhyay
Actually my query why programmer uses .i files ? what is the benefit to have these ?
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 . . .
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int (*pfun)(void);
int *pInt = 0;
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