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What is the role of the "third-party" directory available in the "osf" folder in Batoi OSF?

+1 vote

Batoi Open Source Framework, popularly called as Batoi OSF, uses PHP, MySQL and related web technologies for facilitating web app development. While using the OSF, there are several directories which do different functions. For ex. IDE stores the Integrated Development Environment. Similarly what does the directory "third-party" do?

posted Apr 23, 2019 by Kalpana Jena

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1 Answer

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While using the OSF, you can use the libraries that are available as the part of Batoi's offerings or can create your own. However, it is possible to include libraries (PHP classes and scripts) from a third-party provider or from the open source repositories. You can store these in the directory 'third-party', each in a separate folder by itself.

answer Apr 23, 2019 by Ashwini Kumar Rath
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