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Hadoop/Yarn: Running multiple commands on container

+2 votes

I am using containerLaunchContext.setCommands() to add different commands that I wanted to run on container. But only first command is getting execute.Is there is something else I need to do?

List commands = new ArrayList();commands.add(cmd1);commands.add(cmd2);

I can see only cmd1 is getting executed.

posted Feb 18, 2014 by Ankit

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I found that UnixShellScriptBuilder#command just concatenates each commands with space, not with ";".
Therefore, you need to suffix ";" after commands you'd like to execute.

UnixShellScriptBuilder {
 public void command(List command) {
 line("exec /bin/bash -c "", StringUtils.join(" ", command), """);
answer Feb 18, 2014 by Majula Joshi
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