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username is not in sudoers folder in fedora

0 votes

About installing the plugin of the Adobe Flash Player for Firefox,I know the file of should be copied to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugin.By Terminal,after I input the command of sudo cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins,the result is username is not in sudoers folder,this will be reported? What should I do ?

posted Jun 11, 2013 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

You need to edit the sudoers file. You should find a copy that works and make yours look like that. (Hint: you need to add a line with your user name and the word ALL in it.) You can edit it with any editor, or if you know vi, then you can use visudo. You will have to have admin privileges to do this, so if you can't su to root, you will need to find out how to do that, first.

answer Jun 11, 2013 by anonymous
And of course, if you can do that, you don't need sudo. To me, sudo is  a fine tool if you want to give access to a few admin tools to people who don't (and shouldn't) know the root password. However, I can't see the point of using it if you're the person who installed Linux and created the root password.
0 votes

That approach for installing the Flash player is about the worst way to manage it. You'll have to manually handle all updates, and Flash is a nasty piece of work that you really should keep up to date, so that you
don't suffer an exploit. You've got to know when an update is available, or keep on checking for one yourself.

On the other hand, if you'd installed the appropriate yum repo for your type of computer (32-bit or 64-bit), then any time you do a "yum update" to update all the software on your computer, then *all* the software
gets the lastest versions that are available to install. The same applies for when updates are triggered by a GUI telling you that updates are available.

answer Jun 11, 2013 by anonymous
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