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Gx-Interface: What Gate Function does under PCC rule ?

+12 votes

Why do we require Gate Function ? I mean to say what is the need for this ? How Significant it is in Gx-Interface?

posted Mar 24, 2014 by Hiteshwar Thakur

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Hiteshwar,

Gate function is described in - ETSI section no. 3GPP TS 29.212

Up to my knowledge Gate status decides whether the Service Data Flow (SDF) detected should be allowed to pass or blocked.

The Gate Function represents a user plane function enabling or disabling the forwarding of service flow packets. A gate is described within a PCC rule. If the PCC rule contains Flow-Description AVP(s) applicable for uplink IP flows, it shall describe a gate for the corresponding uplink IP flows. If the PCC rule contains Flow-Description AVP(s) applicable for downlink IP flows, it shall describe a gate for the corresponding downlink IP flows. The Flow Status AVP of the PCC rule shall describe if the possible uplink and possible downlink gate is opened or closed.

The commands to open or close the gate shall lead to the enabling or disabling of the passage for corresponding IP packets. If the gate is closed all packets of the related IP flows shall be dropped. If the gate is opened the packets of the related IP flows are allowed to be forwarded.

answer Mar 24, 2014 by Karan Joglekar
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