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my machine is suddenly extremely slow

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Using Fedora 18, KDE 4.10.2 on x86_64 laptop with kernel 3.8.11-200 and nvidia proprietary drivers.

I have two hard disk. One SSD with / and swap and one hybrid with /home. Recently, I remarked extremely long times (>60 s) to open some programs like firefox or dolphin, the latter being the most critical.
I suspect disk access to slow down the machine as this happens when the processor is nearly idle.
What can I check? Can I check the hard disks, how? Could it be something else?

posted May 14, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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hdparm -t /dev/sda
hdparm -t /dev/sdb

as a first step (root user needed).

answer May 14, 2013 by anonymous
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