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Which programming language is used to develop android apps

+2 votes
Which programming language is used to develop android apps
posted Jun 22, 2013 by Yogender Kumar

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1 Answer

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Here's a list of languages that can be used to develop on android:

Java - primary android development language
C++ - NDK for libraries, not apps
Python, bash, et. al. - Via the Scripting Environment

answer Jun 22, 2013 by Salil Agrawal
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+2 votes

As per my knowledge -

MediaRecorder: supports only from Camera Preview. does not support from surface.
OMAXCodec: it supports surface.
MediaCodec: Introduced in 4.1 and supports from surface.

Now my Questions are ?

1) How to figure out which Codec is used in my device ?
2) Are all "mediaRecorder" , OMAXCodec, MediaCodec falls on which category "Software Encoders" or "hardware Encoders".
3) What is the software encoder that Android uses ?
