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Can same TAC be planned in two different MME?

+1 vote

Can same TAC be planned in two different MMEs, if yes will it have and service impact?

posted Jun 2, 2014 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Short answer to main question is yes, this can be done. Even though I'm not radio person I would advise you to do so.

Imagine situation where you have your City or whatever city. Which has suburbs and downtown. City is covered by radio coverage and spitted among multiple TAs (TAI/TAC you name it). Now, each morning ample of people are commuting from downtown to center because of work - and back. Some of them, from north parts are going north from downtown, some are going south from downtown. Same happens for people from south west and east.

If the downtown is covered by TA(s) that is part of MME-Pool-North and part of MME-Pool-South/West and/or East (you name it) this will decrease the number of HOs and TAU.

Based on own experience, there is a huge number of TAUs and decreasing them is always a nice way to do. So if you can.. then I would advise you so. It would be beneficial for radio resources as well for Core part of the network.

answer Jun 2, 2014 by Bart Barton
Hi Bart, Is there any 3GPP reference that mentions about multiple MMEs supporting the same TAC?
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