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Mimimum RAM size required to run android?

0 votes

According to CDD document, it is stated below"Device implementations MUST have at least 340MB of memory available to the kernel and userspace. The 340MB MUST be in addition to any memory dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that is not under the kernel's control."

MY understanding:
340 MB is required for both user and kernel space. 340 MB is for hardware components , So, in total minimum 680 MB (Please correct me if my understanding is wrong ?)

But, if i look at mobiles that are available in the market, they are not compliance with the requirement. (HTC ONE V , has 512 MB of RAM, but still runs android 4.0.3 , in which the requirement is 680MB.)

Considering above, how the OEM vendor passes compatibility test?

posted Jun 25, 2014 by Rameshwar

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1 Answer

+1 vote

No, the total required amount of RAM depends on how much of the available memory is dedicated to hardware components. So the HTC One V only has to have less than 172MB dedicated to its hardware components, inaccessible to kernel and userspace, to be compliant.

answer Jun 25, 2014 by Abhay Kulkarni
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