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Secure data coming from a WYSIWYG editor

0 votes

How can I secure data coming from a WYSIWYG editor? I want to allow user to change properties of the text but not to link images or add scripts to his post.
I'll use this feature to allow user to add comment or compile complex pages. I'm not worried about data coming from the editor but data that a malicious user can send me from a modified page.
Does Struts 2 has any interceptor that implements this kind of feature? Does anyone has experience on this task?

posted Jun 26, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

Out of there, there are a lot of WYSWYG editors (like CKEditor) which allow to define the list of the supported tags.

For what concerns the server side aspect, I'd suggest you JSOUP. It allows to clean the HTML submitted by the user [ ].

Also, have a look at hdiv [ ], IIRC there is a plugin for struts2 which should protect against XSS and other security issues.

answer Jun 26, 2013 by anonymous
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And in the struts.xml we have been using :


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