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myModel.all returns only 138 records on rails

0 votes

I have a Rail 4 with Postrgesql 9.1 setup that is working fine, apart from I just ran into an issue.
Lets say I have a model called MyModel that has 150 records.

If in IRB I try:

 test = MyModel.all
Only 138 records are returned.

If I now try:

 lastRecord = test.last
 The record I get has an ID of 138

And yet if I try:

It returns the correct value - 50!

Any ideas on what is going on?

posted Jul 5, 2013 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes
> If in IRB I try:
>       test = MyModel.all
> Only 138 records are returned.

How do you know?

> If I now try:
> lastRecord = test.last
> The record I get has an ID of 138

If you have not specified an order clause then the order you get the records in is undefined, so the last record is not necessarily the highest id.

> And yet if I try:
> test.count
> It returns the correct value - 50!

I presume you mean 150

answer Jul 5, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes

As of Rails 4, the order is by default based on the id DESC.So Model.last produces the following sql:


That said, I've no idea why you only get a part of the records back. Were you able to validates all those numbers directly on the DB?

answer Jul 6, 2013 by anonymous
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