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What is the meaning of Object Oriented Programming?

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What is the meaning of Object Oriented Programming?
posted Sep 23, 2014 by anonymous

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2 Answers

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OOP stands for "Object-Oriented Programming." OOP (not Oops!) refers to a programming methodology based on objects, instead of just functions and procedures. These objects are organized into classes, which allow individual objects to be group together. Most modern programming languages including Java, C/C++, and PHP, are object-oriented languages, and many older programming languages now have object-oriented versions.

An "object" in an OOP language refers to a specific type, or "instance," of a class. Each object has a structure similar to other objects in the class, but can be assigned individual characteristics. An object can also call functions, or methods, specific to that object. For example, the source code of a video game may include a class that defines the structure of characters in the game. Individual characters may be defined as objects, which allows them to have different appearances, skills, and abilities. They may also perform different tasks in the game, which are run using each object's specific methods.

Object-oriented programming makes it easier for programmers to structure and organize software programs. Because individual objects can be modified without affecting other aspects of the program, it is also easier to update and change programs written in object-oriented languages. As software programs have grown larger over the years, OOP has made developing these large programs more manageable.

answer Sep 25, 2014 by Arun Gowda
0 votes

Object Oriented programming means creation of object which are independent, can run (execute) by itself, and can be interlocked with other objects. Objects interact by passing information among each other, and each object contains information about itself (the methods which can be executed on the object) and the objects it can interact with (Inheritance).

Example C++, Java

Here is a list of seven feature which should be present in a language to classify it as a Pure Object Oriented Language (remember all languages are not Pure OOPS languages)

  • Encapsulation/Data Hiding
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • All predefined types are objects
  • All operations are performed by sending messages to objects
  • All user defined types are objects.
answer Sep 25, 2014 by Salil Agrawal