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Difference between multicast and broadcast mode ?

+3 votes

I read somewhere that LTE network supports broadcast mode ? what does it mean and what about multicast mode or I misunderstood ? Can someone please help me to understand these things ?

posted Oct 30, 2014 by Harshita

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1 Answer

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Broadcast is the term used to describe communication where a piece of information is sent from one point to all other points. In this case there is just one sender, but the information is sent to all connected receivers.
ex: 1 )In LTE ,we broadcast system informations ,the UE's even not belongs to the operator whois broadcasting can decode (or can read) .
| type : Broadcast | association : 1 to Many | scope :Subnet | ex : ARP

Multicast is the term used to describe communication where a piece of information is sent from one or more points to a set of other points. In this case there is may be one or more senders, and the information is distributed to a set of receivers (theer may be no receivers, or any other number of receivers).
Multicasting may be used for streaming multimedia, video conferencing etc.

 Unlike broadcast does not touch all nodes. Nodes have to subscribe to a multicast group to receive information.

type :Multicast | association :One/Many to Many | scope : Defined horizon |ex : SLP

answer Oct 30, 2014 by Bheemappa G
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