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How you know when to use a static cache and dynamic cache in lookup transformation?

+2 votes
How you know when to use a static cache and dynamic cache in lookup transformation?
posted Jul 13, 2015 by Amit Sharma

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1 Answer

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In case of Dynamic catche when you are inserting a new row it looks at the lookup catche to see if the row existing or not,If not it inserts in the target and catche as well in case of Static catche when you are inserting a new row it checks the catche and writes to the target but not catche

If you cache the lookup table, you can choose to use a dynamic or static cache. By default, the lookup cache remains static and does not change during the session. With a dynamic cache, the Informatica Server inserts or updates rows in the cache during the session. When you cache the target table as the lookup, you can look up values in the target and insert them if they do not exist, or update them if they do.

answer Jul 14, 2015 by Shweta Singh
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Using Informatica 9.1.0


Get the Dimension key generated and inserted to the Fact table from the Fact load.

I have to load the Fact table with a dimension key along with other columns. This dimension record is created from within the same mapping. There are five different sessions using the same mapping and executes simultaneously to load the Fact table. In this case I'm using a dynamic lookup with 'Synchronize dynamic cache' enabled to get unique dimension records generated from the 5 sessions using some conditions. The dimension ID is generated using the Sequence-ID in associated expression of the lookup. When a single session alone is run it worked perfectly fine. But when the sessions were run parallely it started to show unique key violation error as random sessions tried to insert the same sequence which was already there.

To fix the issue I had to give persistent lookup cache enabled and Cache file name prefix. But I did not find this solution or this issue in any of the forums or in INFA communities. So not sure this is the right way of doing it or this is a bug of some kind.

Please let me know if you had similar issue or some different thoughts.

Thanks in advance

+3 votes

Using Informatica 9.1.0


Get the Dimension key generated and inserted to the Fact table from the Fact load.

I have to load the Fact table with a dimension key along with other columns. This dimension record is created from within the same mapping. There are five different sessions using the same mapping and executes simultaneously to load the Fact table. In this case I'm using a dynamic lookup with 'Synchronize dynamic cache' enabled to get unique dimension records generated from the 5 sessions using some conditions. The dimension ID is generated using the Sequence-ID in associated expression of the lookup. When a single session alone is run it worked perfectly fine. But when the sessions were run parallely it started to show unique key violation error as random sessions tried to insert the same sequence which was already there.

To fix the issue I had to give persistent lookup cache enabled and Cache file name prefix. But I did not find this solution or this issue in any of the forums or in INFA communities. So not sure this is the right way of doing it or this is a bug of some kind.

Please let me know if you had similar issue or some different thoughts.

Thanks in advance
