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LTE: Which technology is the best among today's available options for LTE and Wifi aggregation ?

+1 vote

As far as I studied, I know following options that can be used for LTE and Wifi interworking:
1- LTE - U (LTE Unlicensed)
2. LAA (Licensed Assisted Access)
3. LWA (LTE wifi aggregation)
4. MPTCP (Multi path TCP)

Out of above options, there might be other options which I don't know. But out of above four which one is best and due to what reason operator will choose the best one ?

posted Jul 26, 2016 by Vikram Singh

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi vikram,

All th above tech is good in something. say LTE-U is best for cost wise and coverage imorovment. With LTE-U operator can achieve a greater data rate for long coverage But it is not good for wifi hotspot because it will create interference.In Highway this is good option to deploy, however wifi hotspot wont be there so you can deploy to reduce licenced band cost.

LAA is best option in cities because it will have assistance of licenced band and having mutual understand between wifi. so both tech mutually works.

LWA is best option in theatres and malls, because wifi is shorter range and you can reduce the load of ENB by aggrecating data by wifi.

answer Jul 27, 2016 by Jaganathan
I dont know about MPTCP.
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