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Mutual certificate authentication between Tomcat and MS IIS

0 votes

Has somebody of you ever tried to configure certificate mutual authentication between a MS IIS webserver and a Tomcat instance Does somebody know if this is even possible in IIS ?

I usually do it very well with Apache but this time I'm requested to put in front of Tomcat an IIS webserver.
Thanks in advance.

posted Jan 24, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

Has somebody of you ever tried to configure certificate mutual authentication between a MS IIS webserver and a Tomcat instance ?

You want IIS to present a client certificate to Tomcat? Tomcat shouldn't have a problem with that.

Does somebody know if this is even possible in IIS ?

You'd have to configure IIS's HTTP proxy to use a client certificate.

I usually do it very well with Apache but this time I'm requested to put in front of Tomcat an IIS webserver.

I'm sorry I can't help with this, but I'd be interested in hearing the solution.

answer Jan 24, 2017 by anonymous
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