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Print human readable JSON to text in javascript?

+1 vote

Write a function which can take a random JSON and transform the data into multiple line human readable title value pairs.

For example:

Given JSON

        university: 'Oxford',
        batch: '2019-2020',
        address: {
            street: '144 Main',
            city: 'London',
            country: 'UK',
            contact: {
                fax: 'XXXXXX',
                phone: 'YYYYY'
        students: [{
            name: 'Jon Doe',
            age: '22'
            name: 'Mike Wilson',
            age: '32'
            name: 'David',
            age: '28'


university: Oxford
batch: 2019-2020
address street: 144 Main
address city: London
address country: UK
address contact fax: XXXXXX
address contact phone: YYYYY
students 1 name: Jon Doe
students 1 age: 22
students 2 name: Mike Wilson
students 2 age: 32
students 3 name: David
students 3 name: 28
posted Sep 13, 2020 by Atindra Kumar Nath

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Try this code might help you
using stacking method to read and fetch data

const printHumanReadableJsonText = (jasonObject, stack="") => {
    for(let key in jasonObject){            
        if(typeof jasonObject[key] === "object" && jasonObject[key] !== null){
                for (let i=0; i<jasonObject[key].length; i++) {
                    stack = key + " " + (i+1) + " ";
            }else {
                stack=stack+key+" ";
        }else {
            console.log(stack+key+": "+jasonObject[key]);
answer Sep 26, 2020 by Tanay Hanuman Toor
Thanks it's works like a charm
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      var Cus_id = document.getElementById("customer").value;  
      var xhr;  
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