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What is the difference between the session.update() method and the session.lock() method?

+1 vote
What is the difference between the session.update() method and the session.lock() method?
posted Dec 6, 2013 by Shweta Gupta

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1 Answer

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Both of these methods and saveOrUpdate() method are intended for reattaching a detached object. The session.lock() method simply reattaches the object to the session without checking or updating the database on the assumption that the database in sync with the detached object. It is the best practice to use either session.update(..) or session.saveOrUpdate(). Use session.lock() only if you are absolutely sure that the detached object is in sync with your detached object or if it does not matter because you will be overwriting all the columns that would have changed later on within the same transaction.

answer Dec 6, 2013 by Prachi Agarwal