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Informatica using Oracle database

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We are bulkloading few of our target Oracle tables. Many of our tables had one column with datatype timestamp(6) with local time zone. when we insert just the date value(mm-dd-yyyy) then target database is defaulting the hh:mi:ss to 11:00:00 PM. But when we make the load type as normal then the it is inserting 12:00:00 AM in hh:mi:ss part. Could someone explain why this is happening?

Thanks in advance.

posted Apr 28, 2014 by Madhavi Kumari

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1 Answer

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I'm going to take a guess and say your ETL server's datetime is one hour different to the Oracle Server, or it's set to the same time but in a different time zone. I can't quite put my finger on the mechanics of this but it's worth checking if that's the case - they you can look into exactly why you're getting this effect

answer Apr 13, 2015 by Manikandan J
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