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Heartbleed and the windows distributions on

+1 vote

I am building a cherrypy app that is testing as vulnerable to the heartbleed exploit.

The app is running on the 64 bit 3.3.5 Windows distribution of python. An updated version of 64 bit Python 3.3.x for Windows or an updated pyopenssl? I am kind of surprised the distribution on hasen't been updated.

posted Apr 28, 2014 by Anderson

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1 Answer

+1 vote

The current release of Python 3 is 3.4.0. A 3.4.1 maintenance release, with OpenSSL updated in the Windows installer, is planned for final release in mid-May. Python 3.3.x is now in security-fix-only mode which means only source fixes for security problems are released as needed and no further binary installers for Windows or OS X are produced.

(The Python 2 Windows installer is not affected since it bundles an older, pre-heartbleed version of openSSL)

answer Apr 28, 2014 by Parveen
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