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How to setup a Coupons in Magento?

0 votes

I am trying to set up a coupon that will follow the rule of:

Buy X of Product 1 get Y of Product 2 free.

So far I am unable to come up with the set of rules that will allow me to do this.

posted Jul 20, 2014 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay

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2 Answers

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Here is the process to create Coupon Code for any particular product:-

Login to Admin
Go to Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules
Click Add New Rule
Fill Rule Information

Set Conditions

On left sidebar, click Conditions tab
Click + button icon
Select Product attribute combination
Click + button icon
Select SKU
Now, you will see SKU is ...
Put your product SKU over there

Please note that the SKU option may not show up by default. (Go to: catalog -> attributes -> manage attributes. Then search for the ‘SKU’ attribute and set the drop down ‘Use for Promo Rule Conditions’ to YES and reindex if needed.)

Set Actions

You can set how much discount you want to give from here

Save Rule
answer Aug 7, 2014 by Rajneesh
0 votes

Go to Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules -> Add New Rule.
Now we will use Specific Coupon -> Use Auto Generation.
Hit Save and Continue Edit, now under Conditions we will left blank to apply to all products, now under Actions, we will give 10% of product price discount.
Now we need to generate Coupon Codes. Go to Manage Coupon Codes. There is few basic settings, Coupon quantity, code format etc. After we have made desired adjustments, hit Generate button.
Now we have a list of 20 unique coupon codes, which we can export to CSV or Excel XML format. Each coupon code we can use on Catalog version A and Catalog version B.
Ok, we will use one coupon code to create test order and see how it will apply to the shopping cart.
Now we will create a report regarding this promotion. Reports -> Sales -> Coupons -> and now we can create custom report regarding to coupon usage.

answer Aug 30, 2016 by Magento_ocodewire