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Python: How do I convert between tuples and lists?

+1 vote
Python: How do I convert between tuples and lists?
posted Dec 4, 2014 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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1 Answer

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The tuple function converts any sequence (actually, any iterable) into a tuple with the same items in the same order.

For example, tuple([1, 2, 3]) yields (1, 2, 3) and tuple(‘abc’) yields (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’). If the argument is a tuple, it does not make a copy but returns the same object, so it is cheap to call tuple when you aren’t sure that an object is already a tuple.

The list function converts any sequence or iterable into a list with the same items in the same order. For example, list((1, 2, 3)) yields [1, 2, 3] and list(‘abc’) yields [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]. If the argument is a list, list makes a copy just like seq[:] would.

answer Dec 29, 2014 by Kali Mishra
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def transform(row): 
   while index < len(row): 
...    if isinstance(row[index],basestring): 
...       if " in row[index]: 
...          mod_list.append("+row[index]+") 
...    else: 
...       mod_list.append(row[index]) 
...    index = index+1 
... return mod_list 

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[ ['46295', 'Montauk', '3', '60', '85', ['19', '5', '1', '0 $277790.00']],
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 ['46295', 'Dark Eyes', '5', '59', '83', '6', '4', '1', '0 $105625.00'],
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 for i in flatten(elem):
 yield i
 yield elem

What I am thinking is that if for each list the sublist should be at index 1, so


for item in list:
 item[1] - somehow flatten.

Any Idea or pointer?
