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Are there any SS7 Protocols being used in LTE for signalling?

+3 votes
Are there any SS7 Protocols being used in LTE for signalling?
posted Mar 3, 2015 by anonymous

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Nopes, There is no ss7 protocol used directly in LTE

answer Mar 4, 2015 by Saurabh Srivastava
0 votes

Adding to surabh explanation: LTE has no usage of any legacy protocols, all places where SS7 could possible be used is replaced by the either diameter. Having said that a lot of places because of interworking requirement SS7 is still used.

answer Mar 4, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

On behalf of Bart:

The LTE/4G/eUTRAN was simplified very much. Most of the things is just IP based communication with GTP-U/C. Where something more is needed then the Telecom Diamter version is used and voila.

Obviously you can see the Radius from time to time, but it's like black panther, or other (close to) extinct species.

answer Mar 4, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
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