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How to stop a mapreduce job from terminal running on Hadoop Cluster?

+1 vote

To run a job we use the command
$ hadoop jar example.jar inputpath outputpath
If job is so time taken and we want to stop it in middle then which command is used? Or is there any other way to do that?

posted Apr 11, 2015 by Sudhakar Singh

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1 Answer

+2 votes

You can kill it by using the following yarn command

yarn application -kill

Or use old hadoop job command

In the Hadoop-2.7(yet to release in couple of weeks) the user friendly option provided for killing the applications from Web UI. (In the application block , ‘Kill Application’ button has been provided for killing applications)

You can also try

$ hadoop job -kill <jobid>
$ mapred job -kill <job_id>
answer Apr 13, 2015 by anonymous
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int max_sum=0; 
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int count=0;
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high low medium high low high low large small medium

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high - 3------maximum

low - 3--------maximum

large - 1------minimum

small - 1------minimum

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Date date; long start, end; // for recording start and end time of job
date = new Date(); start = date.getTime(); // starting timer


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